Developer Day Scotland 2009

I’d like to extend a big thank you to everyone who attended Developer Day Scotland 2009. It was your dedication for turning up on a Saturday and on a holiday weekend that made the day what it was.

If you are curious on the stats, we had 176 people through the door, 20 sessions, 4 tracks.

The top speakers were:

  • Was the session as expected
    1. Barry Dorrans
    2. Eric Nelson
    3. Ray Booysen
  • Rate the session overall
    1. Eric Nelson
    2. Barry Dorrans
    3. Gary Short
  • Rate the slides
    1. Eric Nelson
    2. Christian Bolton
    3. Barry Dorrans
  • Rate the Demos
    1. Ray Booysen
    2. Christian Bolton
    3. Eric Nelson
  • Rate the information content
    1. Barry Dorrans
    2. Ray Booysen
    3. Eric Nelson
  • Finally, based on a combined score, the top 3 speakers were:
    1. Eric Nelson
    2. Barry Dorrans
    3. Ray Booysen

We are going through the feedback to ensure we make the event better for next year. We’re pleased to say that the scores are, in general, higher this year. We have noted areas for improvement and we’ll be looking to address those.

Finally, if you liked the event and want to see more stuff like this then the next DDD event will be on the 23rd May in Taunton

About Colin Angus Mackay
I blog at I help run Scottish Developers which is a user group for software developers in Scotland.

One Response to Developer Day Scotland 2009

  1. Pingback: June Newsletter « Scottish Developers

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